- Madagascar Chameleon -
-( 1997 )----------
“A witch doctor?”
Sherry questioned in return, “Why on earth would you ask me something like
“It’s just—Well, I thought—Umm—“ JP stammered, completely out
of character. “I just remember this one
conversation we had a while back – the one where you were complaining about
that bozo that delivered the office supplies. You remarked a couple of times
how he had gotten out of line, made some inappropriate comments – remember?
“Well you said something then about going home and sticking
some pins in your Voodoo doll of him. So, I thought—“
“Mr Bugtussle, I can’t believe you thought I was—“
“Can you call me JP? Please?”
Over the course of the last three months, as the sale
progressed on Clevenger’s Skate and Ball Bearing, Sherry had talked to JP at
least twice a week. The major portion of those phone calls, at least ninety-five percent, was purely business. During the other five percent, various normal
pleasantries, along with a few tiny morsels of personal information, were
exchanged between the two – and apparently, some little tidbits of comments that
Sherry had made in passing and assumed had maybe gone unnoticed. The truth of
matter was, Sherry had practiced Voodoo since she was a little girl living down
in New Orleans – New Orleans Voodoo.
She knew good and well that the “sticking
of pins in dolls to cause pain” was a common misconception of Voodoo
practices – but sometimes one just goes along with the popular belief if it
fits the topic of conversation at the time. She really hadn't meant anything by the
comment – barely even remembered making it – but now, possibly sorry that the
words ever left her mouth. Nevertheless, going from an off-the-wall comment
about a Voodoo doll and then making a gigantic leap to needing to find a witch
doctor – well, this was a topic of conversation with JP that had taken Sherry completely
by surprise. She wasn’t sure how to continue.

“I don’t really need a witch doctor as such. I just need to
find something that I’m guessing a witch doctor or maybe someone who knows
something about Voodoo might be able to get for me.”
“And what is that?”
“The blood of the Madagascar Panther Chameleon.”
The corner of Peach Street and Bishops Lane is lit at night
by a single lamppost with an incandescent bulb. The ancient lamppost does a
fair job of lighting the intersection but doesn’t offer much in the way of
security for the surrounding buildings. In fact, the corner of Peach Street and
Bishops Lane bathed in the soothing light of the quaint little lamppost at
night would make a great painting to hang near the comfortable chair and end
table in the quiet reading corner of one’s living room – as long as the artist
didn’t include a sound option – an option
that would currently include the ear-piercing, pulsating screech of the alarm
going off at Jackson’s Pawn and Jewelry.
In the seconds prior to the alarm going off, a figure
emerged from the shadows, hurled a five-holed, king-sized brick through the
plate glass window thus changing the hand-painted name of the place to Jacks welry. Jumping through the
newly-created entry, the figure ran past every item in the front of the store,
including the sensors that set off the alarm, and headed straight for the door
to the back room. As the alarm siren penetrated the previously-peaceful night
air with its warning, the figure quickly entered the back room, went to the
desk, opened the knee-hole drawer and retrieved the handgun placed there a mere few hours ago by the owner. With gun in hand, the figure departed the
store as expeditiously as it had entered.
-( 1986 )----------
Alphonse “Dr B” Baroovra unlatched the storm door, held it
open and motioned for JP to come inside. As they walked to the center of the
room, he grabbed the remote off the coffee table, and with an audible click of
the big button on the side, turned off the television set. With his
outstretched left arm he signaled for JP to take a seat at the near end of the
couch. He handed JP a travel brochure and then said, “Want something to drink?
I’ve got iced tea and Dr Pepper. Or water. What would you like?”
JP replied, “Dr Pepper would be nice.”
Dr Alphonse Baroovra had been practicing medicine in town
for nearly twenty-one years. He had grown up in this town. When he was in
elementary school and high school, his family lived right next door to the
Bugtussle family. Homeronius Peropavlovsk Bugtussle (Homer – for obvious reasons), was Alphonse’s best
friend – Buds for Life as they called
themselves. Alphonse and Homer were in Scouts together, went to church
together, took the same classes in high school, got the same part-time jobs
while in school (first, working at the old
one-screen movie theatre and then later working as stock boys and sackers over at at
Moe’s Grocery Store – the same year that Fanny Gilbert sold the place. They’d asked Ol’
Lady Gilbert several times for a job but she always told them that it would be
a cold day in hell when she would hire the likes of them and then she would wave
her hand in a shooing fashion and say, “Now get on outta here unless you’re gonna buy something –
you’re wasting my time.” Moe Ziegler hired them on the spot the day after he
bought the store.) – without a doubt, the two guys were inseparable – Buds for Life.
All through college and then med-school, Homer and Alphonse
talked about the day that they would open up their practice together. It was
their common goal – and one of many that they managed to achieve. Within a year
after opening their practice, Homer married Dolores. Six months later, Alphonse
married Beth. The only additional importance that Homer and Beth have to do
with our story pertains to what happened during the time between the months
of June and December 1971. That was the span of time that Homer and Beth decided to
have their affair. However, the affair came to an abrupt end on December 17th
when the car they were both in attempted to pass an 18-wheeler at about ninety
miles per hour – by going under it. JP was born two months later. Alphonse
delivered him in Dolores’ house. For the next fourteen years, Alphonse help to
raise JP – including home-schooling him. For those fourteen years, JP had never
set foot outside of Dolores’ house – until tonight.
“Mom says you’re taking a trip?” queried JP as Alphonse
returned to the living room with a glass of ice and a bottle of Dr Pepper, “Where
are you going?”
“Did you even look at the travel brochure I just handed you?” answered Alphonse.
JP had been thumbing the pages of the brochure while he
waited for “Teach” to return with his
drink but had never even bothered to read it or even glance down at it. He flipped it back over to look at the front cover - CYCLING TOURS OF MADAGASCAR.
(Back: Part 7 - Porch Steps)
(Next: Part 9 - Tinker Toys and Fireplace Pokers)
(Back: Part 7 - Porch Steps)
(Next: Part 9 - Tinker Toys and Fireplace Pokers)
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